Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Blue Crane

This slender piece of Nova Scotia red oak arches like a blue-eyed crane. The iron ring, representing unity, was forged over 100 years ago in one of the oldest working blacksmith shops in the country. Sitting on top of it is a tiny snake vertebrae and Swarovsky crystal. The blue agate slice from Brazil is like a world of tides and represents the waters essential to the cranes survival.

21.5" x 20" 


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Obsidian Necklace

This unusual piece of obsidian has been cut and polished into a hexagonal shape on the black side, while the other remains raw with multiple layers of color throughout. It hangs from a brass chain interspersed with black glass beads attached to a strand of small coconut shell beads that pick up the earthy hues in the raw side.


Looking Glass Series XII

Balanced with 4 "eyes", the driftwood in this mirror is from Nova Scotia, Cape Cod & Newport Rhode Island.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Armor II

Over the past few years I've enjoyed exploring the stunning landscapes in and around Bass River. This is the final homage to those visits.
